About Letham Climate Challenge
To support community recycling this project receives donations of good used clothing, bedding, curtains and crockery, pots and pans, books, toys, electrical goods and furniture. These are sorted by volunteers and are available as "swaps" or for a small donation in the SWAP SHOP which is situated at Garth Avenue in Letham.
A large store of household goods and bedding, which is in good re-usable condition, is also put aside so that families or individuals can be encouraged to consider re-using these items which would otherwise go to landfill. These items are also available to agencies working with families moving into emergency accommodation or a new tenancy, such as P & K Housing and Womens Aid.
This project delivers services directly to the community and its focus is in providing for those in greatest need.
Items which cannot be used are sent for further appropriate recycling or passed on to local charities and schools and to individuals who can upcycle them. Our aim is to reduce the amount going to landfill and to look for opportunities to encourage the re-use of the donations we receive.
Allotment plots in Kingswell Terrace and Kinloch Terrace encourage both families and school children to grow their own food and discover the many health benefits of gardening.