Giraffe Trading

About Giraffe Trading

At Giraffe, we provide valuable work experience and training to people facing barriers to mainstream opportunities. We do this by offering various forms of placements in our Café and community kitchen which distributes community meals.
We strongly believe in inclusion for all, Giraffe is a professional but supportive environment. Our trainees come to us from all over Perth and Kinross (and beyond!) to develop skills, gain experience and move towards independence.
We support people who may feel isolated or alone by providing a friendly and safe environment in which they can learn and grow. We also run a programme of additional activities which aim to reduce isolation and promote mental and physical wellbeing.
At our busy social enterprise café and kitchen, we run an in-house training journey. As well as industry specific training, we focus on building the softer skills which are key to developing independence and are transferable to any future work place. This approach leads to incredible, life changing opportunities for those we support.
